MÖVE Fahrzeugitze GmbH regularly checks and updates the information provided on these pages. However, the inclusion of this information and data on these pages does not constitute an assurance or guarantee, whether express or implied. In particular, it does not constitute an implicit approval or guarantee regarding the quality, merchantability, suitability for specific purposes, or non-violation of laws and patents.

Despite the continuous updates made to these pages, changes to products and services may occur after individual pages have been created. Changes to the design or shape of items, deviations from the colour tone, and changes to the scope of delivery or performance remain reserved during the delivery period.

The figures may also depict accessories, special equipment or dimensions which are not part of the standard scope of delivery or service. Colour deviations are for technical reasons. Individual pages may also include versions and services that are not available in certain countries. Statements on legal and tax regulations and effects are valid exclusively within the Federal Republic of Germany.

MÖVE Fahrzeugitze GmbH reserves the right to amend, add to, or remove the provided data and information at any time.